Lead Water Quality Testing

The Importance of Testing Your Water for Lead
Lead is a toxic metal that exists naturally in the environment and can accumulate in the body over time. Lead in drinking water is a serious health concern, particularly in children. No safe blood level has been identified for young children, so all sources of lead exposure should be controlled or eliminated. Risk of lead exposure will vary depending on the individual, the chemical conditions of the water, and the amount consumed. Lead is not absorbed through the skin, so water consumption is the primary concern with lead exposure.
You cannot see, taste or smell lead in drinking water. The only way to determine for certain whether you have lead exposure in your drinking water is to identify potential sources for lead exposure and test your water. It is also important to understand that water quality test results can vary per time of day, per season, flow of water and other factors. This is why it is important to consult a Water Professional to ensure appropriate measures are being taken.
Common sources for lead in your drinking water include lead pipes, faucets, welding solder and plumbing fixtures. Lead can also exist naturally in groundwater supplies.

Aqua-Check's Service
Our Lead Testing Package includes:
Assembly of a customized lead water quality testing plan for your facility
Collection of water samples by trained, qualified technicians using standardized, aseptic procedures​
Delivery of water samples to accredited, dependable laboratories​
Timely analysis of water samples with electronic reporting and fast turnaround times​
Confidential, secure results archiving, allowing you access to all of your results on-demand​
Access to Aqua-Check’s resources and expertise in case of any water quality issues, audits, etc. ​
And peace of mind knowing you called the trusted professionals at Aqua-Check for your business's water testing!
Specific quotes for pricing can be provided upon request
Client will receive the radon monitor through the mail and will install/collect the test themselves.
Client will receive the radon monitor through the mail and will install/collect the test themselves.
Pricing Scheme
Aqua-Check's water quality sampling fees are based on two components: technician fees and analysis fees. Technician fees include transportation and on site sampling time, plus kilometers travelled.
In interest of reducing the transportation time/distance, technicians in the closest population centre will be assigned to the job.
Technician Fees
Technician fees include time worked and distance travelled by the technician
Technician Hours - $31.25/hour
Technician Kilometers - $0.45/km
Analysis Fees
Lead water testing costs can differ based on methods used for collecting the sample.
Lead Analysis - $39.99 per sample
Facilities with more than 10 potable water sources to be tested will qualify for reduced analysis fees.

Lead Testing Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Government of Canada, Health Canada
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Department of Health and Wellness, Province of Nova Scotia
Water Quality Association