What is radon?
Radon is a radioactive gas that is colourless, odourless and tasteless. It forms by the breakdown of uranium, a natural radioactive substance found in soil, rock and groundwater. When radon is released from the ground into the outdoor air, it gets diluted to low concentrations and is not a concern. However, in enclosed spaces, like basements, it can sometimes accumulate to high levels, which can be a risk to the health of you and your family.

Radon Gas Testing

Aqua-Check's Service
Aqua-Check Inc has provided over 10,000 radon tests in Nova Scotia to date. We currently offer radon testing to both commercial and residential clients.
We offer full service Measurement of Radon levels across the Province. We can perform short-term tests (ideal for real estate transactions) or long-term tests, which give you a more accurate, complete representation of radon levels. Aqua-Check uses EPERMs known in the industry as the gold standard of testing techniques. All tests are carried out using Health Canada standards.
Long-term testing is usually performed during the winter season to provide a more accurate result. All short-term testing is performed under closed house conditions which can mean that occupants may have to change their living style (e.g. all windows must be closed throughout the 2-7 day test).
Aqua-Check offers three different pricing options
Aqua-Check will complete installation and collection of radon monitor. Benefits of this option include confirmation of proper monitor placement & installation, accurate record keeping and testing schedule met.
Client will receive the radon monitor through the mail and will install/collect the test themselves.
Client will receive the radon monitor through the mail and will install/collect the test themselves.

Option 1
Aqua-Check will complete installation and collection of radon monitor. Benefits of this option include confirmation of proper monitor placement & installation, accurate record keeping and testing schedule met.
Technician Fees:
$31.25/hour (travel &installation/collection)
$0.60/km (technician travel)
Test Fees:
$74.99 per monitor (includes equipment rental, data reading & reporting)
Option 2
Client will receive the radon monitor through the mail and will install/collect the test themselves.
Test Fees:
$74.99 per monitor (includes equipment rental, data reading & reporting)
Option 3
Aqua-Check can provide specialty pricing to groups with multiple buildings requiring radon testing.
Contact Aqua-Check at info@aquacheck.ca with the number of buildings/ number of tests and a quote will be provided.
Radon Resources

This radon risk map is developed by the Province of Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines to show people areas where there is a higher risk to be exposed to radon in indoor air.
Province of Nova Scotia Department of Energy & Mines
Canadian Association of Radon Scientists & Technologists
Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program
Province of Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness
Government of Canada Health Publications
Canadian Lung Association